Lamala Recipe: the Easter Lamb

Published: 2019-04-10 14:10:09
Categories : Alsace festivities , Alsace traditions , Celebrations , General , Our recipes , Pascal specialities

Lamala Recipe, Easter lamb - Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie

To give you a little history…

The word "Lamala" translates as "little Easter lamb" in the local Alsace dialect, and this bake is traditionally shared for an Easter breakfast. In the 16th Century, the tradition was to offer an Easter lamb to your betrothed, as a symbol of your love, and children also traditionally received a Lamala when they returned from Easter mass. This delicious treat was also a smart way for housekeepers and bakers a way to use up leftover eggs, as they couldn't eat them during the period of Lent that followed.

Practical info



Time to make

  •          15 minutes for preparation
  •          35 to 40 minutes for cooking


For 1 x 330g lamb made with a terracotta mould

  •          60g sieved plain flour (pastry flour if you can get it)
  •          90g caster sugar
  •          1 sachet vanilla sugar
  •          Zest of half a lemon
  •          30g cornstarch
  •          3 egg whites (approx. 90g)
  •          4 egg yolks (approx. 80g)
  •          30g melted butter
  •          1 pinch of salt

Terracotta mould:

  •          Approx. 20g butter
  •          Approx. 20g plain flour (pastry flour if you can get it)


  •          30g icing sugar


Step 1

Sieve the flour and cornstarch together.
Zest the lemon.
Melt the butter at a moderately high temperature (40°C minimum).

Step 2

Separate the egg whites.
Whisk the egg whites with the caster sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt until you get a firm and smooth mousse texture.

Step 3

Gently fold the egg yolks into the whisked whites, using a spatula.
Sieve in the flour and cornstarch and fold in gently.
Take part of this mixture (approx. 1/4) to mix separately into the heated butter and zest.
Continue gently mixing both mixtures.


Generously grease the two parts of the mould with a mix of butter and flour (made previously, e.g. 100g butter and 50g flour).
Close the two parts of the Lamala mould, fastening it with the hook (mould available on our webstore)
Pour the biscuit mixture into the mould.

Bake at 170°C for approx. 35 to 40 minutes.
Check whether it's cooked properly with the tip of a knife.The blade should be dry and clean when you pull it out. If not, leave to bake for a few more minutes, checking it again.
Once cooked, wait for 5 minutes before opening the Lamala and taking it out of the mould.

Please note: Do not leave the Lamala to cool in the mould, or it will become stuck!

Once cooled, sprinkle the Lamala with icing sugar before serving.

Our serving tips

The Lamala, cut into generous slices, is most commonly enjoyed at Easter breakfast, accompanied by a warming hot chocolate, coffee or cup of tea, for a perfectly delicious experience.

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