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2024-08-21 11:00:00
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It's the middle of summer and the temperature is reaching new highs for the season… Sometimes you just need a hit of something cool and refreshing to get you through those last hot days!
So, whether you're sunning it up on holiday, keeping cool inside or kicking back on your balcony or decking, our Maison offers you, one last time this summer, a thirst-quenching drink... The best bit? You can whip up this refreshing recipe yourself! Thanks to its cold infusion technique, this is a summer beverage that is all sweetness, no bitterness and it's also full of vitamin and minerals from the peaches… The perfect remedy to the end of the holidays…
15 minutes
(5 hours of resting)
1 litre
First things first, prepare the peaches: wash them and then cut them into cubes or slices.
Set one third of the sliced peaches aside, as you'll use them as a garnish when serving your drink. Keep the other two thirds for the infusion.
Fill a jug or 1-litre bottle with water.
Add in the two thirds of the sliced peaches. Put the remaining third in the fridge.
Add 4 sprigs of mint, the lemon juice and a generous splash of agave syrup into the jug.
Put the jug in the fridge to leave the mixture infuse for at least 5 hours.
Strain the mixture to remove the peaches and mint, so you've just got the liquid left.
To serve, pour the liquid into tall glasses with a few ice cubes.
As garnish, add in the remaining sliced peaches and decorate with mint leaves.
voilà, your iced peach infusion is ready to be enjoyed!
Add in 30 ml of lemonade for a sparkling version, for an extra-refreshing hit!
You can also add in some cubed mango alongside the peaches, for a sweet and fruity flavour combination…
For a sweet treat to serve alongside this refreshing infusion, our Maison recommends a few Apricot & Passionfruit Liabsti. In Alsace dialect, Liabsti means "my favourite", and you'll soon see why as you discover this bredele's meltingly soft texture and generous dose of almonds. Just what you need for sweet summer chilling…
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