Recipe: Lime Iced Tea

Published: 2024-07-24 10:00:00
Categories : Drinks , General , Our recipes

A glass and carafe of jasmin iced tea with lime, of sparkling colors, with a plate of crunchy Croquiets.   A person sitting in the sun, taking a delicious Croquiet Citron-gingembre, lime and ginger crunchy biscuits, to go with their glass of homemade lime iced tea.


Summer is finally here and it's time to find new ways these long, hot days.

An iced tea is just the drink for the job!

With its options of floral or fruity flavours, combined with its revitalising freshness, iced tea is super easy to make and can be adapted to in a thousand different ways, to keep your thirst quenched in delicious style, all summer long!

With this recipe, our Maison has put together a classic jasmine iced tea, with subtle and delicate flavours that will delight your tastebuds, lifted with a zesty touch of lime!

Practical info



Preparation time:

15 minutes

(3 hours resting time)


1 litre


  • 10 g jasmine green tea (4 to 5 teaspoons)
  • 1 L water
  • 2 limes
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons of agave syrup
  • Some crushed ice


Prepare a litre of boiling water in a glass bottle or jug and infuse the green tea for 5–8 minutes, depending on whether you like it weaker or stronger.

Meanwhile, wash and slice the lime.

Strain out the tea leaves once the tea has finished infusing.

Add the lime into your drink.

Leave to cool in the fridge for at least 3 hours.

Serve in tall glasses with crushed ice.

Add in the agave syrup to taste!

You can now sit back and enjoy a deliciously cool and refreshing break!

Top tip:

You can also use a cold infusion technique to make your iced tea. For this option, you'll need a little more patience (the jasmine tea will need to infuse for 1 hour) but, as they say, good things come to those who wait: cold infusion gives you a sweet, delicate tea that doesn't have any bitter aftertaste from the tannins or theine, releasing tantalisingly subtle, soft flavours!

Our serving recommendation

Our Maison suggests pairing this reinvigorating drink with a few Croquiets,with their summery lime flavour. With their crunch texture, finesse and subtle hint of ginger, they go wonderfully with your iced tea for a refreshing summer treat.

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