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2022-10-06 14:25:01
Categories :
, General
Dear Customers,
Butter, eggs, flour and sugar are all basic ingredients and pantry essentials that often find their way into your shopping basket as you do your weekly food shop.
Yet, these ingredients are also essential elements that go into the creation of our wonderful bredeles.
We're sure that you've noticed that their prices have been consistently rising, in light of the chain of global-scale events that we've all been faced with.
Of course, the Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie hasn't been spared from this pricing spike.
Our Maison's reputation is founded on our value of high quality, both in our expertise and our specialities, and so we've had to reconsider how we price our products in order to maintain our products' exceptional quality.
We're sure that you'll understand how the current circumstances have forced our hand here, and we're infinitely grateful for your loyalty and understanding.
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